Racing heart, racing thoughts.
Real hard to get stuff done. Pretty much paralyzed.
If I'm at home, I follow my husband around and try to look like I'm doing something productive. When it's really bad, I just follow him around and try to keep from collapsing to the floor in a fetal position. For some reason the bathroom floor and/or the kitchen floor seem the most inviting.
If I'm at work...I talk to my co-worker friend and ask her to bear with me. I also do the Pretend-Like-I'm Being-Productive bit. I have no idea how much I am "fooling" people. The catch is that I work with small children. This forces me to center myself so as not effect them. They feel the tension and if you are relaxed, they are more relaxed.
I have a huge mirror in my bathroom and I find myself looking in it when I am in a state of anxiety.
I tell myself things.
"You are ugly."
"You are useless."
These things I tell myself without even thinking, I just look at myself and automatically respond to my image in this way. This is what happens when I am triggered.