Monday, October 21, 2013


was totally in the moment with my kids tonight.  
laughing and being silly.

By the way, what would happen if I just said "screw it" (to whom I would say this to, I have no idea).
What if I just said "screw it" and did what I thought was the thing to do all the time.

Why don't I?  Because I always feel like I have to justify everything.  And this holds me back.  Justification is a process that eats up time.  The time it takes me to judge the situation and decide that I have no right to think or feel the way I do.
That whole "glass house" thing.  But, is my house really made of glass?  I'm starting to think it is not so much.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Commonly misinterpreted as being a proverb warning against hypocrisy. This is incorrect.

The actual meaning is closer to that of "if you can't take it, don't dish it out".

if you are a type of person who is easily offended, do not go around offending people unless you can handle being offended yourself.
Person A - Katie is such a bitch. All I did was say she was a little bit fat, and she's going around calling me a stupid cow behind my back!

Person B - People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

no escape?

"The wisdom of no escape"...I wonder if that book is an eBook..
It's been--seems like a million years but actually it's about 18 since I was perusing through that book.
Still remember the author.  She seemed like a friend to me.  Pema Chodrin or something fairly close to that.

Well that is not nearly as profound a thought as I had when I was inspired to sit and blog.  
Oh wait, I remember.  I felt that I wanted to talk about how I have been escaping.  I escape into many different "places." 

  • shopping
  • Netflix
  • work
  • even pintrest
  • pc games
Just realized that all those places are on the computer.  Am I escaping now?  I used to be better at being "in the moment."  I haven't been there in a while.  I've been escaping the moment, as I said.  Is that so wrong?  I'm not going to sit here and lecture myself.  What a new concept.  I'm not going to list all the things I should be doing or should have been doing.  Just going to keep going.